Media Center
Welcome to the Bay Creek Media Center!
Patron Responsibility: Books and Chromebooks
Students in grades K-2nd are given the opportunity to check out one library book. Students in grades 3rd-5th will be able to check out two library books. Most classes visit the library once a week to exchange their library book as the year progresses. Students are also issued a Chromebook each year to support classroom instruction, complete state mandated testing, and other tasks.
It is the student's responsibility to take care of his/her Chromebook throughout the school year and to report any damage to their teacher or to the media specialist. Students that damage his/her Chromebook will be held accountable for any repair or replacement fees.
Please help promote good library manners by reminding your student to keep up with their library book on a daily basis and to use good library manners. Good library manners are to read books with clean hands and to keep books away from food, liquids, pets, and siblings or others who may damage the book. If a book is damaged or lost, a replacement cost or damage fee will have to be paid before students may check out a new book. The media specialist will determine if a replacement cost will have to be paid or if a damage fee will apply. Thank you so very much with your help and let's have a great year of reading.
Locating Books in the Library
Students may search our library collection using the Destiny Discover icon on their Clever page or on the BCES portal page. Destiny Discover will inform students if a certain book is available in the library and in what form the book is available. There are thousands of books available for checkout in the media center as well as over 500 e-books (electronic books) that can be read online using a computer or tablet. Internet access is required.
Students may now check-out two e-books using Destiny Discover along with their physical library books. The e-books will automatically "check-in" after five days if they aren’t returned online by the student.
Students who want to check-out an e-book will open Destiny Discover by clicking on the icon on their Clever page or the BCES portal page. Next, click ”log-in” located in the upper right corner of the screen. Students will then click “sign in with google”. The Destiny Discover website should open and students can search for books by title, author, subject or even reading level. Our guest username is "bces" and our password is "tigers". Using the guest username and password, you will not be able to check out any materials, however, you can open the books electronically and read them online.
Jennifer L. Gibby
Media Specialist